Friday, February 6, 2009

Getting Started

Well, here we are, my first blog post. Where do I being? I thought of creating a blog as a form of "journaling" my seemingly forever and constant battle with my weight. Would putting my story on the internet, possibly with pictures even (I took the pictures, now I need to be brave enough to post them) be just the kick in the ass I need to get myself on the path to optimum health?

Right now I'd be happy with 5 lbs. nevermind "optimum health". .... augh, I'm trying not to think about typing my "stats" but I decided I was going to be brutally honest on this blog. Holding back on the first post is not the way to brutally honest so here goes. I am 36 years old, Mom of 3 gorgeous little boys and wife to a wonderful man who seems to love and desire me no matter what my weight. I don't understand that one but God Bless him for it. And weight, oh yea. I'm 5'3" and as of this morning, the scale in my bathroom was reading 196.5 lbs. (I'll have a whole post on my relationship with that scale very soon).

There it is. The basics. There is so much more to tell and I look forward to getting out of my system and onto this blog, but in the meantime, the baby is crying and it's Mommy to the rescue!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome blog this is! I can't wait to follow you on your journey and I'm sure I'll be able to relate to most of it!
